Things to do at a bachelor party...
1) Roleplay improv GURPS adventure about ourselves at the bachelor party.
2) Talk about how much better this bachelor party is without a stripper.
3) Loose track of time and space.
4) Have obligatory yet heartfelt discussions about the role of marriage in the rest of our lives.
5) Try and convince Matt to do wierd things.
6) Talk about people who aren't at the bachelor party.
7) Premptively reminisce about the good times we had at the bachelor party.
8) Discuss how many of the things I've listed here actually occured.
Things to do before the Bachelor Party:
1) Call Josh.
Things to do after a bachelor party:
1) Repent.
2) Take a shower.
3) Take vitamins.
Dude, you called it on the lose track of space and time thing.
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