Thursday, June 30, 2005

A legitimate worry

"...[the] Family Research Council said it was worried evangelicals would be made to appear judgmental and foolish.
[This quote came from a news article about a Reality TV show that has just been cancelled.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might like this site, but it might be a little simplistic compared to what you already know/understand.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"U.S. to Pull Out of Iraq..."
read today's post (July 8)

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin, you need to see PRIMER. That movie is awesome.

12:32 AM  
Blogger Huge Larry said...

I thought it was ok albeit somewhat convoluted. I understand that the convolution was sort of the point in itself, but there needed to be a little more structure or a few more bread crumbs to keep the twisted timeline understandable.

Maybe I'm just a retard, but I felt confused during a lot of that film. They needed to reign in the insanity just a bit and keep things a little more tight. It sort of felt like they were just throwing out a bunch of goo without explaining it and were hoping that the audience would just allow things to be glossed over.

Contrast this mind fuck movie to one that really worked well such as Memento. Memento had the necessary cheddar to tie everything together such that a reasonably smart viewer could grasp the movie upon first viewing. With this film I feel like I’d have to watch it about three or four times and take notes in order to fully comprehend it.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Primer. I've heard only great things, except for Co's reservations. End of Post.


1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cody said "With this film I feel like I’d have to watch it about three or four times and take notes in order to fully comprehend it."

Yo, Co, that's exactly why I liked it. In fact, I'm planning on watching it again today and in fact, taking notes. But I understand why you might not be down with that sort of thing. Remember, I'm off work, so I got to do some stuff to keep the mind working hot.


1:56 PM  

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