Thursday, November 14, 2013

He struggled to think of something to post on this dead blog and eventually came up with this.

Friday, December 25, 2009

It's been a year... I gots to say something. Keep your chops hot, world. The company i work for is complicit in grey markey credit fraud.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Burn Down, Burn Down Hot Topic...

...Dont let them steal your soul away.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Welcome to, the only online dating site that gaurantees to hook you up with the cleanest of mates. Our patented tru-livin' (tm) 512 dimensional compatibility algorithm ensures that bogus or vague info from our subscribers will not obscure your chances of finding that special someone. To proceed, please answer these questions as honestly as possible:

Rate the following from 0-9; 0 = highly disagree, 9 = highly agree:

1) If my bf/gf is cheating on me, I might as well stay with them, because I would probably go get with someone else that would cheat on me anyway.

2) The superficiality of other ppl depresses me.

3) Roasted things are an important part of my daily routine.

4) I wish my bf/gf would go spend more time with their own friends/family and just let me do what I want with who I want.

5) I think too many hot girls are too preoccupied with weird smells in their environment.

6) Hiding a meth lab is a real bitch.

7) I think women have a hard time projecting their selves onto their online dating profiles, and instead manufacture some ideal image that they think will make them seem desirable.

8) I am annoyed by ppl who think electric guitars sound annoying.

9) I am amused by and feel sorry for ppl who fuss over pop culture fashions.

10) I don't fit into any of the millions of American subcultures.

11) I think the religion matching sections of most online dating sites are totally screwed up.

12) I have used petty insults to intentionally hurt the feelings of my gf/bf when squablling because I am immature.

13) I'm wary of members of my bf/gf's family screwing up our kids.

14) I usually wish my bf/gf would leave me alone after sex.

15) America is populated with masses of generic, cannon-fodder personalities.

16) Chicks freak out about porn viewing way too much.

17) Chris Murphy is a good artist.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Well, I'm surprised my Blog hasn't deleted itself. Merry Holidays ppl!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Clothes-line to the blogosphere...

A new breed of data dissemination website hath been concieved. It shall conglomerate 4 of the most massive figures known to blogdom into one satirical, ranting, raging beast. Forthwith shall eminate the great platitudes fondly regarded by our descendants.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A few points of interest...

1) 9/11 was an inside job.
2) Patrick Stewarts domo acting renders all STTNG technobabble palatable.
3) Bread, cheese, mayo, mustard, and some meats are combinable into a staggeringly diverse range of easily preparable food.
4) Virtue ethics is BS because it is based on a priciple that commits the ad hominem fallacy.
5) The names people use when playing online FPSs (or RTSs, whatever) are obscure and unmemorable.
6) I don't explore the internet as much as I should.
7) Six is not of much interest, and so should be excluded from this list, along with this one.
8) Ableton Live and it associated plugins overwhelm the user at first. That program has a strange flow to it that is similar to learning a new instrument.
9) I think I'm getting sick

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Reasons why Star Trek is a good show.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Lets destroy the Moon!

Since the dawn of human history, man has yearned to free the night sky from the Moon's luminescent tyrrany. Its attractive affects have wrought havoc on the regularity of our tides and seasons, and its psychological affects have brought sane men to commit attrocities. For the first time in history, man wields such dominance over the forces of nature that he finds himself in a position to put the mark of human progress indelibly upon the night sky. But what about the side affects of this 'radical' proposal? Is destroying the Moon really a solution to our terrestrial problems? In order to answer these questions, we need to gain some historical perspective.

The Navaqoi people (aprx. 4000b.c.e.-1200c.e.) of north Wisconsin certainly had no qualms with the idea. According to their religion-fetish, the Moon ('Pwan-no-wan-hee') is actually the aging, filthy afterbirth of the great cosmic creation. It was emitted as a byproduct into the sky when absolute darkness and absolute lightness gave birth to the Sun, the Earth and the stars. It is often depicted as a the discarded husk from which all these celestial components emergered. In the Navaqoi culture, all creative decisions are thought to have a light and a dark side. Much of their ceremonial rituals were attempts to minimize this dark side so that only the desired consequences of our actions are realized. As a by-product, the Moon is less divine than the rest of the sky, and its presence is a foreboding reminder of our impotence as mortal creatures. The Navaqoi would hold annual ceremonies ('Pish-taw-nawk') during which various rituals would be performed in the hopes of banishing the Moon from the sky. In most cases these ceremonies culminated with all the warriors of the tribe firing a volley of arrows at the Moon.

Primitive peoples weren't the only ones wary of the Moons presence. Isaac Newton, the great mathematical philosopher, saw the irregularities in the moons orbit as an affront to the simplicity of his universal laws of motion. "Should the situation persevere, that I cannot maintain conformity between the laws and the phenomenon, I have naught but this conclusion to draw: that the Moon is a corrupt being, inferior in all ways to the remainder of the heavenly bodies, irrational in its motions and invirtuous in its affects on the animal spirits of men. Should I have found myself in the company of these thoughts in a world where men had greater efficacy to transform and renew the corpse of nature, I should be the first to affirm what seems to me to be the only rational dictate concerning these matters; that man should expend every resource available to dethrone this cosmic tyrrant."

Oh, wait, I made all this up. It would be cool to watch the moon blow up, though.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pat Robertson warns Dover, Pa. residents of Gods wrath

Because this city's constiuency voted out many pro-'Intelligent Design' school council members, it may have incured the wrath of the Designer, spouts pseudo-theocrat Pat Robertson.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city... And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because he might not be there," Roberston forewarned on the 700 Club.

I really hope a disaster doesn't strike that town, because all the ensuing self-righteous I-told-you-so's and claims for proof of God's will will surely drive me to suicide. I have to admit that it does give the Bush administration a willcard should they need to for some reason destroy Dover, Pa.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

November Miscellania

I'm sick with some evolving illness. Unreal Championship 2: the Liandri Conflict is the finest form of that gaming franchise due to its excellent implementation of melee combat in an FPS, combined with a cool 'magic' system. I'm learing to play guitar all over again. I hope my boss doesn't fire me for not being at work. G4 is an awesome TV channel that I never get sick of watching. I'm going to go watch it right now. Oh, and Tivo is cool too.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Something dictated to me in a drunken stupor

The Plaque

The dwindling light sets aflame my longing for you
love is meant to be free
though we cant bronze our hearts and plaque them
with names engraved

I can only know for sure if your free will proclaims itself to me
as for know, devasted I am , but I cant dare share that with you
I cant show my sorrow and heart wrenching wearinesslike my life may shut me out of my own skin any second

Lady C

Something worthwhile


there is purpose to life
I do not hesitate to believe
I bleed now with you as my witness
but someday, my love,

I will be bloodless again and I will kiss your grandchildrens babies
now and then
and flow through millions as if they were ten
because I am needed
I look forward to saving you
look forward

Lady C