Monday, August 28, 2006

Clothes-line to the blogosphere...

A new breed of data dissemination website hath been concieved. It shall conglomerate 4 of the most massive figures known to blogdom into one satirical, ranting, raging beast. Forthwith shall eminate the great platitudes fondly regarded by our descendants.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A few points of interest...

1) 9/11 was an inside job.
2) Patrick Stewarts domo acting renders all STTNG technobabble palatable.
3) Bread, cheese, mayo, mustard, and some meats are combinable into a staggeringly diverse range of easily preparable food.
4) Virtue ethics is BS because it is based on a priciple that commits the ad hominem fallacy.
5) The names people use when playing online FPSs (or RTSs, whatever) are obscure and unmemorable.
6) I don't explore the internet as much as I should.
7) Six is not of much interest, and so should be excluded from this list, along with this one.
8) Ableton Live and it associated plugins overwhelm the user at first. That program has a strange flow to it that is similar to learning a new instrument.
9) I think I'm getting sick